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CRN Digital Technologies SIG Webinar: Screen-use Behaviour From Infancy to Preschool Children: A Focus on Home and Care Settings

The CRN Digital Technologies SIG will be hosting their first online event at 5pm on 27 November 2024, focused on the theme ‘Screen-use behaviour from infancy to preschool children: A focus on home and care settings’.

The webinar will explore digital technology in both home and early childcare settings. Different types and quality features of screen-use in early childcare and education settings will be discussed along with links between home screen-use and factors such as sleep and self-regulation across this early developmental stage. 

The webinar will feature two keynote presentations: first from Dr Michelle Downes on 'Screen-use, sleep and behaviour from infancy to preschool', followed by Sylwia O’Rourke on ‘The use of digital technology in early childhood education and care settings’. These presentations will be followed by a group discussion on the issues raised.

To register for the event, please visit this link.

Our Keynote Speakers!

Our two speakers are Dr Michelle Downes and Sylwia O’Rourke, members of the CRN Digital Technologies SIG.

  • Dr Michelle Downes is an Associate Professor in UCD School of Psychology. Her research focuses on the influence of disease-related and environmental factors, such as sleep, digital technology and family function, on the brain and behaviour development of children. She is particularly interested in the development of executive functions and early learning skills during infancy, toddlerhood, and the preschool stage.

  • Sylwia O'Rourke is a PhD Candidate at the South East Technological University (SETU), researching digital interactions in the Early Childhood Education and Care settings. She has over 14 years of experience within the sector at both practice and policy level. 

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