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CRN & UCD CHilD-RC Annual Conference 2024

The Annual CRN Conference will be held in University College Dublin this year on Thursday 5th December 2024, in collaboration with the UCD Childhood and Human Development Research Centre (UCD CHilD-RC).

The theme of the conference is ‘Navigating Current and Emerging Challenges for Children and Young People: Research, Best Practice and Innovations across the Island of Ireland’.

In today’s rapidly shifting global landscape, children and young people face unprecedented challenges. The evolving geopolitical and environmental crises — ranging from conflicts, displacement, and inequality to climate change — are profoundly impacting the lives of youth worldwide. In Ireland and Northern Ireland, children face a unique set of difficulties, including mental health struggles, educational inequities, and economic uncertainty. The recent United Nations Concluding Observations for Ireland and the Recommendations from the State of Children in the European Union 2024 underscore the urgent need to address these challenges, highlighting critical areas such as child poverty, access to quality healthcare, and inclusive education.

This conference, "Navigating Current and Emerging Challenges for Children and Young People: Research, Best Practice and Innovations across the Island of Ireland", will bring together experts, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss cutting-edge research and policy initiatives, share best practices, and explore innovative solutions to help children and youth overcome these obstacles. With a focus on both global and regional contexts, the event aims to create a collaborative space to address the most pressing issues impacting the development, resilience, and future potential of young people today.

The conference will feature a keynote speaker and presentations relevant to the conference theme.

Register for the Conference!

Register for the Conference by clicking the button below! You can purchase your conference registration by selecting the option most relevant to you that includes the Annual Conference. If you have any questions, please contact!

The deadline to register for the conference is 29th November 2024.

Meet our Keynote Speaker!

Bairbre Meaney

Principal Officer, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Bairbre Meaney is a senior civil servant working in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth since it was established in 2011. Prior to that Bairbre worked in the Department of Health, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth and the Department of Health and Children.  In 2019, Bairbre was appointed to lead the DCEDIY Participation Unit. The focus of Bairbre’s work is the inclusion of children and young people in decision making, supported through the continuous development of Ireland’s permanent youth participation structures, rollout of the National Participation Framework and implementation of the Participation of Children and Young People in Decision Making: Action Plan 2024-2028. Bairbre holds a primary degree in European Studies, an MA in Public Culture and a PhD in Health Services Research.

View the Conference Schedule!

For detailed information about the conference schedule and program, please refer to the link below. This resource will provide you with all the necessary details regarding sessions, speakers, and events planned throughout the conference.

Take a look at the conference booklet for the CRN & UCD CHilD-RC Annual Conference 2024. It’s packed with important details about the event, including the full agenda, speaker line-up, session times, and other useful info to help you get the most out of the conference. It also gives handy tips for getting to the venue and on parking at UCD!

27 November

CRN Digital Technologies SIG Webinar: Screen-use Behaviour From Infancy to Preschool Children: A Focus on Home and Care Settings